The News Knows All

We are here to bring you the new as soon as its released! The preseident makes contact with aliens? Here's how you make a link: Online News Article.


Credit to

Cake Pie Milkshake
50% 40% 10%
60% 30% 10%

Why is 100 < 300?

1. Is 300> 7?:
I don,t know

2.What is 90° equal too?:
right angle
obtuse angle
acute angle

Tomorrow Theme
Red Green Blue Black
#ff0000 #008000 #0000FF #000000
(255,0,0) (0,255,0) (0,0,255) (0,0,0)
hsl(0, 100%, 50%) hsl(120, 100%, 20%) hsl(240, 100%, 50%) hsl(0, 100%, 0%)
Day Dusting
Monday Sweeping
Tuesday Laundry
Wednesday Clean Bathroom
Thursday Clean Bedroom
Friday Windex
Saturday Making dinner
Sunday Vacuum
Miscellaneous Dishes

Our team

Business women Angie is one of the most recent member of the team. She is originally from Miama
but moved to California for this job opportunity about three weeks ago.
We are very lucky to have her with us and I can't wait to see what she and her managing background can give to the company.

Business man Rob is one of accountants. He has been with us since we opened.
Rob was originally from Michigan but after completeing a Bachelor's degree at the University of Michigan,
He started applying for jobs all over the country. We were lucky enough to get him befoer another company could snag him up.

 Business Woman 2 Rebecca is a member of the team and has beeen for about two year
She is a very hard worker and amazing at completeing all of out graphic
design work. She is one of the nicest people we have working here.

Brian is the last of our team meber we are going to be talking about. Brian grew up on a farm when he was little.
he lived in a small town called Wahoo,Nebraska. He grew up with aspiration of being a wealthy ma.
He attended UCCS with a major in Business Management systems. Since I am now an expert on all thing dessertincluding ice cream. I believe that I can tell you that cake is for a fact the best dessert on the face of teh Earth

Nature Selectors >
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    <img src= @media secreen and (min-width:480px) { #gallery li { width:28.3333%; } #gallery li: nth-child (4) { clear: left; } a:focus { color: darkred; text-decoration: none; }
Baseball Inning Player
Tennis Serves Mat5ch point
Swim Laps TIme
.container { display: flex; /* or inline-flex */ }